which MASK do u think is the best?pls introduce 2 types --- 保湿and美白.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/08 17:57:50
which MASK do u think is the best?pls introduce 2 types --- 保湿and美白.

which MASK do u think is the best?pls introduce 2 types --- 保湿and美白.
which MASK do u think is the best?
pls introduce 2 types --- 保湿and美白.

which MASK do u think is the best?pls introduce 2 types --- 保湿and美白.
我自己就用开suisse 既保湿同美白mask..不过我觉得用咩牌子真系好因人而异..我试过用H2O 既八杯水就不岩我用..因为用完之后好似不知点咁..太润..又用过biotherm..但系都系麻麻地..SK II 都用过,但好似不系好岩我既年纪用..我用完之后d 皮肤仲差左..而家反而用suisse 同埋swiss balance就ok 喎..不过夜晚我都有用langaine 既sleeping pack 过夜..都几好^^ 所以其实我觉得如果你问边只mask 系the best既话,我谂真系无乜人答到你..因为..每个人既皮肤性质都不同..我觉得好...又不代表你岩用既,系咪?首先,我觉得你要先了解自己既皮肤性质..咁会紧要好多..= =' 如果不系...就算用咩mask..贵同平都好..都未必岩用o架嘛..^^ right?查看原帖>>