请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:06:51
请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g

请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g
It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
With the growing number of population,in normal lifes,it is much more believed that many people are gifted with some special talents in different ways than before,like music and sport especially.They are often asked to make their talents be used,namely becoming professionals like athletes and musicians.
On the one hand,everybody knows gifted people are always appointed to do things what others cannot,on average.Because they can afford various difficulties in a more professional dealing.One of the most important reasons is that gifted people learn knowledge much faster than others who are in normal,they can do an advanced work therefore.For example,many great musicians and athletes become successful by the genius,they always grow so fast,and give us a magnificent sight to enjoy.So contributed,isn't it?
In addition,as a relevant situation,genius usually brings gifted musicians and sports men more bonus,it is not only a encouragement,better abilities deserve better rewards,it is very fascinating and useful for days' lifes
On the other hand,if parents find some innate talents or abilities on their children,they always be so proud and let their children get a lot of professional training or a spoon-feeding education to make their children be a good professional in their talents' ways.It is pretty blind,because these will make children not free.In a way,genius do not means professions,the education should give children more freedom,to help them to build their own life.
From my perspective,children who have an innate genius should be given more freedom to excavate their own interests,in ways like music and sports.It could let children be happy to study,and be an free and intelligent talent.It is a way which I prefer to educate gifted children,as a conclusion.
这是雅思task2作文.还有最后一段应该是it is the way

请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g
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请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g 请老师给短文打分,并点评, 求作文《我给爸爸打分》我给爸爸打分 请雅思写作老师给我这篇作文打分!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good spo 求英语话题作文!Students' Rating of Their Teachers(学生评价老师)1.学生给老师打分已很普遍;2.人们对其持不同态度;3.我的看法 请给这篇雅思作文打分.In the present age,international aids are playing increasingly important roles in certain poorer countries’s progress.But in the meantimes,whether giving aids to poorer countires has more adverse impact than positive 请诸位雅思大牛来为这篇作文打分并且详细评分, 请给打分,满分100 请各位给点评打分 雅思作文popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.agree or disagree?Overall ,I agre 拜托帮我修改一篇作文《面对规则》我知道这篇作文是今年淮安市的中考作文,我今年也才上初三,我们老师叫我们写这篇作文,给我们打分,他说,扣10分以上的要重写.我扣了16分,老师给我的评 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 麻烦大家帮我看看这篇作文写的怎么样,优缺点各是什么,谢谢老师给评价 满分50,请给这个片段打分打分 片段:情景交融 请给 名字:王志跃 打分.总分 100 如何在百度上给文辑打分评价 给自已打分的作文350字 给自己打分作文400字 中国兔子德国草给老师打分读后感200字加油哦,我在线上等!