
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:45:36
we never know what will happen in the future 是什么从句 Please tell me() A:you like what B:what doPlease tell me()A:you like what B:what do you like C :what you like.D :you what like 抱歉我迟到了 I'm sorry ______ ______.求填空请说出理由好吗? 对不起我没时间 Sorry,I _ _ time. Do you know what to do with money ----------(募捐) from the students.是donated还是raised? $100 will buy this car must have cash lost all on the stock market是美国大萧条时 世界历史书上的照片上的话 do you know who _____ with at eight yesterday.A.he is talkingB.was he talkingC.he was talkingD.is he talking 将练这个字的绞丝旁改为虫字旁是什么字.读什么.意思.此字出于 绞丝旁一个再加询字的右边,这个字怎么读? Do you know the teacher______long hair Do you know the teacher ( )a pair of a glass填wears,wear,with 还是in What is the probability that if there are four people in a room,at least two of them have the same birth month?一个房间有4个人,最少2个人生日是同月的概率是多少 what will you do after 完成 reading this book Don not ()your book after reading them Sorry I will notA put away B run away C take away D throw away 1You___(watch)TV after supper tonight,aren't you?2Have you finished reading this book?No,I___(do)my homework all day yesterday It takes all sorts可以翻译成什么谚语 英语翻译One Taste Is All It TakesOne taste is not enoughWhat do you see?...and the world is still indulging! the sales of computers 和 sales of computers 作主语哪个是对的不知道这里的定冠词能不能用,为什么. Your classroom is so dirty.Everyone should keep it—— a dry b cleaning c clean D quiet 谁能翻译下WAX的"一个电话都没有"和"爱情是那样"的中文意思?一个电话都没有爱样是那样的要中文歌词哦.谢谢 冲向美好的明天怎么表达更好 China my father's consent.This year no time to,Maybe next year it .可以帮我翻译吗? 明天天气怎么样 英语翻译我知道get off the ground 是开始~在句子里怎么理解?W:Weren't you going to get us all together for John's birthday party?M:It never really got off the ground.Q:What does the man mean? 英语翻译谁帮我翻译下, 帮忙改个病句,拜托 we must keep the classroom cleanly. We must keep the classroom cleanly.这个句子是正确的吗,如果错了,错在哪里. 他像( )冲向终点 运动员像()冲向终点 顺丰快递标志的含义 改错:We must keep the classroom cleaning erery day. we must keep the classroom cleaning every day,改错