
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:13:45
外国人与中国人在教育孩子反面有什么不同 It's important for us ______ a good breakfast 一些桥名称的由来如西湖的断桥、上海朱家角的放生桥等,不少于三座桥. 翻译整句“i have three hands to tell you time,who am ” 英语翻译四个答案都不一样,那个对呀 袁世凯是怎么逼孙中山退位的?如题~到底孙中山为什么会退下来? 10reasons why chinese food is the best food in the world最好用英文写出来。不是求翻译啊,而是中国菜是世界上最好的菜的原因啊。 where the food in China is best? LuXun is one of the best___in china(write)fast a touch of 有哪些同义词 consists of同义词 consists of的同义词~~ They have some juice every day.(一般疑问句) first of all的同义词或同义词组越多越好,至少五个 有关桥的名称的由来中国从古到今的各种桥的名称由来 lots of的同义词 lots of同义词 we have got some orange juice at home否定句,一般疑问句,回 辛亥革命孙中山提出什么口号?怎样理解 有一首歌的歌词有meet somebody you love somebody.这是什么歌 像呐喊这样互为同义词的词有几个? Did you see ()movie Avatar last night?Yes.It‘s so wonderful!A a B an C the D 不填说出原因,并且如果只是movie之前要不要加the 如果只是Avatar(阿凡达)之前要不要加the?看电影(see film)要加a还是the, 《I Miss You Last Night》谁知道那有听的? 如何评价洋务运动和维新变法 国军共有多少个军 国军为什么打不过共军 i am studying in university which is the best school in china 语法是对的吗?是定语从句吗? Which is the best football team in the word? Dalian Football Team is one of the best team in China.哪处错了?1.is 2.one of 3.the best 4.team这四处有一处错误,哪位高手知道? the class five which is the best team,有语病吗 是什么从句 lots of (同义词) what do you like doing in your free time 是collecting coins 还是 collect coins说出理由啊我觉得是简略回答了这一句“ I like collecting coins