
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:09:30
电影《功夫梦》观后感600字,多写点感受,小弟感激不尽! do you know -------? a.what he happened b.what happened to him c.what did he happened We haven't heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose____to her?A.has happened B.happened为什么不选B,不是过去她发生什么了吗 Do you know what was happened to him.哪里错了?要怎么改? The proposal_____,we'll have to make another decision about when to start theproject.A.accepted B.accepting C.to accept D.be accepted 选什么?为什么 翻译:“the time is fast approaching when we will have to make a decision” I will make that decision _____ I feel I have to.A.butB.andC.untilD.when When you have a talent, then try to make it carry. 这个句子对吗?不对改下.what is the most important about riding bicycle iswhat is the most important about riding bicycle is that people should pay more attention in the safety of traffic . 我请教start with和begin with有什么区别 初一的英语难不难,需不需要准备? 摸底考英语难不难? easter airlines flight 664的英文意思 将直接引语变为间接引语 He asked me :What do you like to drink " He asked me —— ——to drink. 直接引语变间接引语 “What do you want?” he asked me. He asked “What did you say?变为间接引语 he asked ( ) A what was happend to you B what is happing to you C what happened to you did这题涉及到什么知识点 类似题目怎么看 To begin with同义词组 中国气象网 几小时更新一次气象数据? to begin with的用法To begin with,individual awareness of the natural law of cause and effect must be nurtured.当中1.To begin with作什么成分?2.To begin with后面的逗号可否去掉?3.the natural law of cause and effect 初一的几道英语 The work can___(finish) in three hours答案为什么是be finished 1. It will _______you three hours to finish the work. A. use B. spend C. take D. cost 原因我选的也是C,可答案给的是D We need three hours to finish the work.(对three hours划线提问)____ _____ _____do you need to finish the work.已给3根横线,请填上去. It takes him three hours to finish the work同义句.一定要初一的,今晚,否则作废, It _____(take )us three hours ______(finish)the work yesterday. 文艺复兴三杰是谁?是但丁,薄伽丘,彼得拉克还是达芬奇,拉斐尔和米开朗琪罗? 欧洲文艺复兴三杰指的是谁? Riding a bike on the hill的翻译 英语翻译是译成“ 那人没修那辆自行车."还是”那人使修那辆自行车被修理“还是”那人留下了那辆被修理的自行车“ begin with given 考虑到 是介词,为什么后面可以跟that引导的从句?