
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:35:31
帮忙分析英语长难句The time-worn excuse of denying certain jobs to females in order to "protect" them form damage to their reproductive systems or possible harm to an unborn fetus has been held by the courts to constitute sex discrimination. 英语翻译Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspaper or magazines is passive. let your parents believe in这句话对吗 翻译:让你的父母相信你 What is your parents doing?中文意思是:你的父母亲正在做什么? 请问股份share与股票stock的关系(区别与联系),最好能结合这两个的英文说法,thanks!最好通俗点.牛津高阶英汉双解上对share的定义是:any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to share、equity、stock、interest在用作“股票、股份、权益”时如何区分?常见这几个词出现,均有“股票、股份、权益”的意思,请问应当如何区分? stock,equity,share的区别如题,请举例解释, 英语:stock和share表示股票有什么区别 有什么坎坎坷坷看 my birthday's on the fifth of may.对on the fifth of may提问 英语翻译te'amor这是啥意思?收到的纸条- - WIlliam's birthday is on May fifth提问急 Sally's birthday is October fifth.对October fifth提问 谁知道坎坎坷坷是谁 为什么生活总是坎坎坷坷?好难过 这句话“after all,tomorrow is another day.”说的是什么含义? 英语高手请进(分析长难句)sentence 1: They do not seem to try as hard, as does the oldest child, to be parental and adult even during chilhood.这个句子,很简单. 问题在于 “as does the oldest child,” 这里用了两个逗 After tomorrow is an another day什么意思 My mother’s birthday is (June 6th)对画括号的提问 my mother’s birthday is 【on October 12th】画线提问【】【】your mother’s birthday? May 5th is a s______ day because it‘s my mother's birthday my mother's birthday is on may day的同义句是什么 C++中split怎么定义啊?#include #include #include #include #include "split.h"using std::cin; using std::cout;using std::endl; using std::getline;using std::istream; using std::string;using std::vector; using std::map;mapxref(istream& in,vector fi options[k].value.split(":")这里split(":")是啥意思?options[k].value应该是select里第k个option的值,但后面的split(":")是啥意思?比如1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ……那么options[1].value.split(":")是什么? the day after sunday is( )中间括号里添什么?一个都行谢谢了! The day after Sunday is_____这里应该填什么单词, What day is after Sunday? It is clear that the component area of employment protection combined with strong systems for collective bargaining emerges as a real concern in terms of its impliedexogenous costs to firms of its implementation and the implications of effectson aggr 难道这是失恋、的确什么都不想干、懦弱这词太打眼、英语翻译. 求三篇高一寒假英语作文,要求100个词左右,内容健康,给力的加分,感激不尽 求高一水平的寒假英语作文做好是自己写的,不要有太多有难度的词,平常的词汇就好,6篇,每篇60~100词,好的话会加分的! 高一英语作文,关于怎么过寒假有意义.