
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:03:47
初步学英语应该注意什么? 我微笑但不代表我忘记了悲伤…的英文翻译是什么 学英语学新东方好还是新概念好?我明年就要高考了`但是英语水平很差```几乎多不懂```学新概念1可以吧`但是他一星期一次课``9也到12``月``按照这个进度学``晚吗`? 暑假想去北京新东方学英语.是报 专四班 好呢 还是报 新概念3全册 好呢 英语翻译那个男人是我吗?怎么用英语说? 帮忙区分一下表语从句和定语从句This is what we should do.这是我们应当做的.我觉得这是定语从句啊 是百科里的句子 是表语从句 英语动词中什么介词后面跟动词的什么形式?说一下如+ing.动词不定式! 表语从句 和 定语从句 有何区别? 表语从句和定语从句的区别在?具体,要具体. 英语九月怎么拼? 我爱你的英文.怎么写? 我爱你的英文怎么写 我正在通过收音机学英语 英语怎么说I am learning English _____ _____ ________. 我正在通过收音机学英语用英语怎么说?急``````谢谢```` 英文、我爱你……怎么写? 英语翻译What do you think happened in the end?A、 The worker had to pay for the pictures.B、 Thornhill thanked worker.C、 The worker was very sorry for what he did.D、 Thornhill could not forgive(原谅)the worker. There are times that people are at the mercy of their feelings. There are a lot of people who +do ont 还是does not konw the importance of time. There____(be) thousands of people watching the match at that time yesterday 适当形式填空 英语翻译(一次性付清 这句话怎么说.一次性) 这是我的姐姐,她是一名护士 怎么用英文说 Don't _______ the pupils do in their spare time as something unimportant.regard that B.consider that C.look that D.treat what PEOPLE DO IT FOR PLEASURE IN THEIR SPARE spare的用法?in spare time people often like watching tv的意思~ 似见不见,不爱孤单但依旧已习惯 ,想念最伤心但却最动心翻译为英文 英语翻译如题正确的翻译下 英语翻译、服饰礼仪 在加拿大,不同的场合有不同的装束.在教堂,男性着深色西装,打领结,女士则穿样式庄重的衣裙.在参加婚礼时,男子或穿着西装,或穿便装,穿便装时不打领带.妇女则不宜打 伤感的英文歌,要能哭出来的自认为失恋了.想哭出来.但哭不出来求一些伤感的欧美英文歌.附上歌曲简介就太好了. Some people believe that some numbers show the ______side of a person’s personality.选择哪一个啊A. hiding B. hid C. hidden D. hide Some people believe that some numbers show the____side of a person'spersonality A.hiding B.hid C.hidden D. the idea that some groups of people may beThe idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than other is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name.顺便请告如如何快速分析出句子的成分!第一个that 是定语从句 你好和我爱你这两组词写成英语该怎么写?