
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:00:21
It is recommended that the project ___started until all the preparation have been not B.not be C.will not be not to be It is recommended that the race ___C__ until all the preparations have been not started B.will not be started C.not be started not to be started请高手讲下以下4个答案,为什么要选C,A不可以吗.麻烦给讲的详细点,我 it is recommended that the project ___________为什么not be starated 用而不是will not be starated 怎么翻译 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海.表达了作者怎样的理想 “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”表达了诗人怎样的情感? 妒忌和嫉妒有什么区别和什么意思? “嫉妒”和“妒忌”全是一个意思吗? 诗歌按题材来分大致有哪几种类型?同上 通过搜集诗歌,我学会了为诗歌分类.按题材分,有( ),( ),( ),( )等;按形式分,有( ),( );按体裁分,有( ),( ),( )等. 五年级下册语文仿照鲸和松鼠写一个关于动物的作文!快快急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急,跪求啊500字 按古诗形式、题材、诗人分类, 请问大家诗歌的分类 按题材分谁知道 谢谢大伙2K dream you to life ,jordyn taylor 妒忌 妒嫉什么意思? 番禺英语课外辅导有哪些? 番禺英语课外辅导怎么选择? 小学语文五年级上册鲸和松鼠有什么不同点 谁知道五年级第十课松鼠怎样能变得和第九课鲸一样死板(要全文)不是意见,是全文,不过好像也行,哪有资料 用五年级写松鼠的方法写鲸,急 设集合A={x|0 羡慕嫉妒恨 下一句是什么? 在啥情况下使用?非诚勿扰上听到这词,很疑惑,没有明白过来, 英语课外辅导小学的,有哪个机构推荐. “羡慕嫉妒恨”是什么意思? 如何辅导小学四年级英语 羡慕嫉妒恨是什么意思 诠释什么叫 羡慕嫉妒恨 选词填空:用下列单词的适当形式填空:late leave reach part thousand teach health good take pay1.It ___me about ten minutes to go to school by bike every day.2.Have you read the ___nwes?3.I haven't seen my parents since I ___my hometo 再请英语达人帮写一下选词填空Reading is regarded as a kind of conversation between the reader and the text.Mostly this “conversation” proceeds below the level of consciousness.At 36 ,however,we become 37 of it.This is usually when we 松鼠 与第九课 鲸 有什么相同,什么不同? 再再请英语达人帮写一下选词填空Emotional Intelligence (or EQ) is what we use as individuals,when 36 judgment to solving problems.IQ can be 37 to the hardware of our brain:how fast we process information and how well we can store it.EQ i 第9课鲸和第10课松鼠的说明方法