
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:22:33
草缸虾、鱼、螺混养,是什么把水草吃掉了?新手,缸里养了几条红绿灯,几条“扯旗”,一些樱花虾,一些虎纹虾,2个苹果螺,过了几天.草被全部吃完了,请问是什么吃掉的. 水草对鱼类生存的影响材料:两只相同的矿泉水瓶子(有盖、透明),水草,健康状况、大小相同的小鱼两条,水(自来水要晾晒30min以上,干净的河水最好).实验:将小鱼分别放到瓶子里,分别 Are you kidding me和Do you kidding me?两句意思一样吗? 山顶洞人比北京人进步的主要原因是什么 are you serious?和 are you kidding me?意思 山顶洞人比北京人进步的主要原因不是进步的地方 Are you kidding me? 说明山顶洞人比北京人进步的主要原因是什么 can i make friends with youmy major is English ,but ,sometime ,i can speak English fluently and sometime make mistakes too more .and in school i seldom open my mounth .i am so afraid when i have a chance speak English .so i want to make a friend with Can you make friends with me? 水草和鱼能一起养吗 这种条件的缸能种什么水草?能养什么鱼?不打光照,不用过滤器,直接就是40cm*18cm的一个鱼缸,底层铺沙子,放几块石头,想问问这种条件的缸,可以养活什么水草?可以养什么鱼?平时这缸也没有阳光 It's great fun playing with him. play为什么要用ing形式 快帮帮帮啊!英语连词成句,1 do is you book it whose think 2 help it's to fridents ask fair your what do you think of the book?oh.excellent.It is worth______a second time.为什么选reading而不选being read whose book is it 加上插入语do you think ,后边就要变成it is 请教Are you kidding me请问这是句什么时态的句子 为什么打开汽水盖时,汽水会自动喷出,产生这种现象原因 right above it中文歌词翻译 glee 的get it right 原唱是谁 可不可以也给我一份get it right的歌词 英语翻译 July 15th is my favorite day.I'll go to an English party () that evening是填 in 还是on?急 You like play football ,he like playing football to合为一句 you like playing football,__you?a.don'tb.didn'tc.did Don't forget me leave me,ok?forget me和leave中间没有逗号! He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding party为什么选cHe invited all of his ______ to join his wedding party A.comrade-in-armsB.comrades-in-armsC.comrades-in-armD.comrade-in-arm 以可数名词加介词短语构成复合词变复数时 He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding partyA.comrade-in-armsB.comrades-in-armsC.comrades-in-armD.comrade-in-arm Did he invited you to____his birthday party?A take part in B join C attend D go to. I am going to join in the party next evening 一般疑问句 I am().playing football playing the football play football 我是学软件开发的但是逻辑思维特别差,我应该怎么办呀.从初中开始数学就不行,一遇到数学方面的题就会晕.在编程中的稍微遇到难一点的算法题就不容易做出来.软件开发对逻辑思维能力的