
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:59:47
If he should fail,he would kill himself.为什么用should ,不是should用于第一人称吗? 3 4 6 12 36 问号处该是多少?我能得到2个答案,请指教一下:方法1 :3 * 4/2 = 6 ; 4 * 6/2 = 12 ; 6 * 12/2 = 36 ; 那么12 * 36/2 = 216 .方法2 :数列二级做差得到 :3 4 6 12 36 1 2 6 24 ()那么二级数列倍数递增 如图,1.第一个问号处是怎么用夹逼定理得出的?2.第二个问号处是怎么导出来的? 1.What he said _____ us a lot Yes .he can alaways tell somthing we like to listen to A surprised B1.What he said _____ us a lotYes .he can alaways tell somthing we like to listen to A surprised B frustrated C interested D bothered What he said _____ us a lot Yes .he can alaways tell somthing we like to listen to A surprised B frWhat he said _____ us a lotYes .he can alaways tell somthing we like to listen to A surprised B frustrated C interested D bothered Do you feel like▁▁a walk along the river.(have) 我想沿着河边散散步 I'd Like ----- ------ ------ ------along the bank of the river I'll vist my friend and stay with him for ____next week a some time b sometime c sometimes d some times 我的cooipad5930不小心设成英文了,怎样设回来 ,本人不懂英文请知道 的大师们帮帮忙 萤...字组词. 除了,萤火.萤光,这些以外, 还有没有别的, 代表光的 萤能组什么词? 谁有北京航空航天大学翻译硕士这几年真题的参考答案啊? 萤组词,那位大哥能帮帮我 英语翻译基础英语,翻译硕士英语及汉语写作与百科知识的参考书目 红米手机如何设置简体中文,不小心按到英文了 萤怎么组词 萤组词有哪些? 英语翻译因为在培养方案上看到招收理工科本科毕业生,之前一直准备的我是国贸专业的,希望知情人能告诉我真相, 北京航空航天大学用英语怎么翻译? The exam has been passed for quite a few days.怎么译? 翻译9.It was possible for the student to answer all but one exam question. 20.The mayor was asked to __his speech in order to allow his audie20.The mayor was asked to ______ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions.A.constrain B.conduct C.condense D.converge in the past跟什么动词等着,谁第一个就谁了in the past childen ______in this river in summer He was first past the finishing line. 这里past用该是动词吧 为什么能和was并用? 2011年吉林师范大学编导的即兴评述题目 6315轴承含义3是直径系列吗 怎么翻译pricing philosophy感觉不太妥啊!定价哲学怎么解释呢? Is it much of a walk? hurdle meeting什么意思 Supplementary assess - Hurdle是什么意思 option pricing是什么意思?real options又是什么意思?real options又是什么意思? 一个文盲的文章中连用了三个问号是什么意思啊?