
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:22:05
family 如果指家庭成员,那么,是不可数名词还是 复数单数一样? 有人讲family作家庭时,是可数名词;作家人时,是不可数名词.但我觉得家人应该是以复数形式出现.同上, 人教新目标go for it九年级课本听力(课文及单词).邮箱wutong.986@163.com 请问你有七年级上下册的英语听力(人民教育出版社)嘛,能不能发我邮箱:shenzan1998@163.com.谢谢 3个连续奇数中,n为最大的奇数,则这3个数的和为 郦道元的《三峡》和《小石潭记》都是描绘山水的优美文章,试比较一下两篇文章的异同 What are some of the more recent family patterns in the United States?不是翻译啦西西~^-^ 三峡 郦道元 文章描写秋天三峡之景,除了表现它的壮美外,还有何目的三峡 郦道元 文章描写秋天三峡之景,除了表现它的壮美外,还有何目的 what are some of the 三峡 郦道元 文章麻烦到网上查一下1第三段写三峡春冬景色是,既描写了_______的静景.又描写了_______的动景.动静结合,相得益彩.2文章第一段写善事.第二段写水势.两者有何联系?3文章应用渔歌 《三峡》一文描写三峡的四季景色时,为什么不按春夏秋冬的时间顺序,而是先写夏季的景色呢? 骆驼祥子 读后感 600字左右 骆驼祥子读后感600字 关于《骆驼祥子》的读后感,600字左右. Write down some of the rules of your family write down some of the rules of your family write down some of the rules of your family要英语词组! Whan do you think of your school rules?Please write down your opinions(abou Think about table manners in China.Write down some of them there.简短的,几句话就好 Some of the family rules seem so strict to the family members这是什么意思呢however,the rules of my family are quite sufferable to me.这个呢 《三峡》为什么没按春夏秋冬的顺序,而是先写夏呢.作业急用啊 若关于xy的单项式cx的2a+2次方与2xy的3b-4次方相加合并后变成一个常数项,求 七年级下册英语书第五单元Reading部分课文翻译 七年级上册英语第五单元达标检测 People usually have three or four_____(餐)every day. 英语翻译Most people in some western countries have been getting through the tough time of the serious financial crisis since last years.have been getting through这个时态是什么含义? To keep healthy,some people do exercise every day w_____ some people have a balanced diet.完形填空~六年级! Chinese people have three m______ a day. They don't have afternoon tea. 英语翻译知道一句也行啊.(1)他一回来我就给你打电话.I’ll call you up ( )( )( )( )( )( )(2)只背规则既没有用也无帮助.( )( )( )( )( )to just remember the rules(3) 一般现在时结构,肯定句改成否定句,肯定句改成一般疑问句怎么改立刻马上现在,一分钟都不能耽搁,我要没时间了! 英语翻译1.必须多种树,因为保护环境很重要.2.坐飞机去北京比坐火车去更省时间.3.他的朋友们经常叫他戒烟4.当孩子们看到他们最喜欢的明星时,激动得拍手尖叫.5.这家工厂过去常常把废物倒 some people 什么 happily with 英语翻译1.John长大以后,习惯于写与旅游相关的文章John________articles_____when he ______2.由于救护车的及时赶到,上这才被得以被抢救_____the arrival of the ambulance ,the injured man_____3.你买得起三套房