来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:58:21
某商店进一批货,每件3元售出时每件加利润8角,如果售出x件应得货款y元,则y与x的函数关系式为? 人生就像一个漫长的旅途(用英语怎么写) 某商店进一批货,每件5元售出时,没见加利润0.8元,如售出x件,应收货款y元,那么y与x的函数关系式是?自变量x自变量x的取值范围 二元函数对x可积,二元函数的对y偏导数对x可积吗? 美式桌球黑8球规则中,最后一杆球,先进目标球,再进黑球怎么算.应该算赢吧 打桌球时如果对方只剩下最好一个黑8.我打我的球不小心把对方的黑球撞进了,算不算对方赢 打台球打最后黑球时,黑白球一块进了算输了吗? 标准的桌球规则中,球飞出桌怎么办?斯诺克呢?(正在看辉哥打塞尔比) Miss Yang works in the supermarket next to my house ,此句中的my house 能不能换成my home. He__in IBM to sell computers for five years and is now running a successful business of his own!Aworked Bhas been worked 选哪个 为什么 1.The book has_____(影响了)many Middle school students.2.I will never______(把汤姆当做)a friend again.3.Many years _______(过去),and he forgot those unhappy things finally. There are basically two ways to get work done 为什么用done are you going to build modern houses there?英译汉 are you going to build theme parks there?英译汉 The book shop is ___ ___ ___of it.Yucai Middle School is ___ ___ ___of it.填空,急!今天就要 求英译汉There are only two sides to every question.there is a black sheep in every flock. I sell computers是什么意思 那个assist是干什么的啊? assist的同义词 assist的所有形式 duplex 1 at the prisoner; some shookust repeat over the same thingcrowded togetherarmed by the sunshine duplex是什么 If you've got thin soup,then that's your supper.如题,貌似感觉像一句成语,上下文和此句无关联 英译汉:for your enjoyment How can I control myself He has some pencils and pens对划线部分提问 划线部分是:some pencils 已知类person是类student的父类,以下数组定义和赋值哪些是正确的( ).A. person p[]=new person[3]; p[1]=new student(); B .student s[]=new person[3]; s[1]=new person(); C .person p[]= new student[3];p[1]= new person(); D .stud 求dota暗影萨满 do not worry be happy铃声. 求dota"do not worry be happy"铃声 dota蛋疼集锦背景音乐 do not worry be happy presents怎么读