
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:21:51
the price of the computer is very expensive.哪错了?为什么?怎么改? The()of this computer is very ()的同义句 求Hotel California的译文On a dark desert highwayCool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitasRising up through the airUp ahead in the distanceI saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy,and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood i 加州旅馆Hotel California的歌词问题.歌中有一句歌词“We don't have the spirit here since 1969.” 这句话是在暗指什么?为什么是1969年? 我想你的西班牙文怎么读!在线等用中文注明! This kind of __is very expensive.A.produce B.goods C.product D.subject Walkmans( )(be)very popular today .This kind of Walkman( )(be)very expensive 苍蝇为啥落到玻璃上反应就变慢了?这些圆脑袋一旦落到玻璃上反应就迟钝起来,轻而易举被拍死..还能被...抓住..所以为什么呢\x09拜托了各位 玻璃上的苍蝇怎么办 The young man is (a math teacher)就括号部分提问没有时间了!求了 Our math teacher is a man .改成一般问句怎么改 In my heart,you are my lover.you do not know i love you so much!Do not away,pleas love with me Do you know?you break my heart Do You Know My Heart?歌词 我讨厌跟笨蛋讲话的英文翻译如题 用直译的中式英语勿进. 西班牙语r怎么读R很难读 我就像一只趴在玻璃上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,而我却找不到出路.我是一个平凡的不能再平凡的人了,没有学历,没有相貌,没有那种好身材.只有高中毕业的我现在在网吧上班,努力的想提高自己, 嬴政,刘彻,李世民,赵匡胤,成吉思汗,朱元璋,爱新觉罗.玄烨,那些最有功绩? 秦始皇,汉武帝,唐太宗,赵匡胤,成吉思汗,朱元璋,康熙的生平事迹,每个300字左右,急用, I WANT TO YOU KNOW I WiLL heart to heart to you 要是刘邦,刘秀,曹操,司马懿,李世民,朱元璋,毛泽东出生在同一个年代,谁会夺得天下?要是刘邦,刘秀,曹操,司马懿,李世民,朱元璋,毛泽东出生在同一个年代,谁会最终一统江山,夺得天下呢?刘邦, 苍蝇落在玻璃上(歇后语 下句是什么) 求Hotel California这首歌的英文介绍求Hotel California这首歌的英文简介,要有创作背景,寓意等,不用太长,但一定要英文的! 歇后语 苍蝇落在玻璃上 下句是什么啊还有 歇后语 人面不知何处去 下句是什么啊 西班牙语1991年怎么读?西班牙语年代怎么读啊? 夹在玻璃间的苍蝇是什么意思 David's new car is marvelou,___the color.A.except B.besides C.including D.except for答案应该选D,为什么?请说明理由, His parents's car is expensive.哪写错了 I am reminding myself all the time do not care about you,do not miss you,also do not love you 中I am reminding myself all the time do not care about you,do not miss you,also do not love you 中文多谢了. You Never Only Miss Me,But also My Love 翻译You know I love you? You do not know what it is? I also would like to. My Angel Not only of missing ,but also love very much!求