
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:47:23
can not record any 为什么说是袁世凯窃取了辛亥革命的胜利果实?不是孙中山退位的吗? 辛亥革命的胜利果实,为何会被袁世凯夺走? JR史密斯英文全名是什么,JR不可以翻译成汉语吗 如果孙中山领导的辛亥革命的胜利果实没被袁世凯篡夺 社会会将怎么发展?希望给位能给点详细点得答案,最好不要一句话了事! I don't konw A.how I could finish my homework on time B.how I can finish my homework on timeI don't konw A.how I could finish my homework on timeB.how I can finish my homework on time为什么选B不选A? Finish homework on 河流哪一条是世界流程最长 世界上流程最长的河流是哪个? 世界上流程最长的河是?尼罗河 长江 亚马逊河 密西西比河紧急 世界流程最长的是哪条河流? 幼教的工作内容是什么 为什么选择幼儿教师这个职业 l'm not sure whether l can pass the driving test. She (was dropping) the tray when I spoke to her.为什么前半部分过去进行时,后半部分过去时She (was dropping) the tray when I spoke to her.为什么前半部分是过去进行时,后半部分是过去时?而不是前半部分是过去 she dropped the tray when i _____(speak)to her正确形式是什么?为什么?可是为什么答案上却写得是SPOKE? you each have 100 RMB的同义句是什么 You each have 100 RMB.(改为同义句)( ) ( )you ( )100 RMB They each have 100 dollars pocket money的同义句是? Service Unavailable When she saw the teacher coming towards her she knew she was in big trouble,she knew后面是从句吗?这是个什么句子?knew和was不是两个谓语吗?请哪位高手详细解答一下,谢谢! It (rain)hard,but no one stopped working.应填什么? It was raining heavily ,but _ stopped working in the fields.A.all of us B.some of us C.nobody of us D.none of us 英语翻译刚才看到有人说是“你的美丽亮瞎我的狗眼”…… I'can t stop love you这首歌在哪集中出现的这首歌是《名侦探柯南》中的,我想知道是哪一集里出现的这首歌? Some people believe in u___ things such as UFOs and Yetis._____里填什么? 谁要赛尔号 our demand for this product is steadily the increase填哪一个介词? You did such a bad thing.We_______you.A.shame B.shame onC.sorry D.sorry for还要说为什么. How dared they do such a thing?的such的词性 ————could do such thingA.whom do you thinkB.who do you thinkC.Do you think whoC 为什么不可以? If it should snow tomorrow,they could not go out.这句话中的should能否换成would,且为什么要用should