来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:29:46
i'd like some soup for breakfast改成问句 梯形ABCD中,AD\\BC,AD=10,BC=30,∠A=∠D=135°求腰长和面积 pineapple 什么意思? pineapple什么意思 pineapple的意思 求政治或历史的一些答题技巧 I n_drink soft drinks.They are u_. You shouldn't drink too ( )soft drinks. 承包电厂煤灰粉要什么条件 I desire that is some 根据上下文完成对话:A:Can I help you?B:Yes,I'd like some peaches.A:How many kilos?B:Two.A:Is that___?B:No,I need some milk.A:How about this___?B:OK.How much are these___?A:Twenty yuan. 高中历史选修一大题目怎么做 菠萝快车 PINEAPPLE EXPRESS怎么样 pineapple(菠萝)音标是什么? 济南某校一同学在操场上做课间操,当该同学背风而立时,是判断高压区位于该同学的什么方位?说明理由 pineapple是什么意思? 网上有没有那种可以将热水热能转化成电能的可以给手机充电的水杯?在哪里可以买? 关于捕捉蝗虫、蟋蟀、蝈蝈的时候,它们断腿逃生的问题捉住它们一只后腿时,它们会断腿逃生,但是捉住一只仅剩一条后腿的腿时,它们还会再断吗?还有,它们的前腿会不会断? Water fog (or if unavailable fine water 朋友送了一套韩国的化妆品,上面写着escargot water mist和water balance是什么意思?对了,上面还有一个deart-lab.请问这是什么化妆品? water mist there is money in fashion什么意思 so you see there is money in fashion.这句话怎么翻译.通顺点 I belilve there is lots of money there,_______________?A,don't you B,aren't thereWe belilve there is lots of money there,_______________?A,don't they B,aren't there I always told ________(me) not to drink too much. prepare setout draw up intend plan ready 有什么区别啊 翻译7.I will ask my secretary to draw up a plan. THANKS.BUT I DON'T LIKE YOU 啥意思? break open or apart什么结构 ,名词作状语?作什么状语? 那里的蝎子8条腿? 蝎子到地有几条腿 几条腿的蝎子好