
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:16:38
”对不起 谢谢”用希伯来文怎么写啊?纹身用的‘‘一定要准确的‘‘谢谢了 1.We don't allow___in the hall.———Smoking does harm to not only your-health but also the people around you.A Smoking B smoke C to smoke2.Jim's parents don't allow him__as much as he'd like toA to train B trains Ctraining 考得都是allow的用 英语翻译UNIT 01 ,10/F CARNIVAL COMM BLDG 18 JAVA RD NORTH POINT HONG KONG 英语翻译如题 广州的友友们帮我翻译一下 英语外教口语,大家都是怎么选择的? Now that you've come,you'dbetter have dinner with us.是什么状语从句啊rt怎么看出来的? Come i have a hat _____ that 用什么 帮忙翻译下这两句话,翻译成英文帝高阳之苗裔兮,朕皇考曰伯庸(语出).可逆反应中旧化学平衡的破坏、新化学平衡的建立过程叫做化学平衡的移动.不要用翻译工具,简直就是在乱来! 截止2008年6月8号因汶川大地震共死多少人?伤亡多少人?遇难多少人? 求纪念党成立90周年读书征文!明天要交! 英语翻译Not long ago I discovered a spiral-bound journal.The first entry read:January 1,1973:Since the greatest desire of my life is to somehow,some way,be a writer,I'll start with the pages of this journal.A dream is a journey that begins with a 英语翻译Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain change according to how we focus on a task.The volunteers were told to first concentrat on how long an image appeared ,then focus on the color of the image,and thirdly ,study both du 英语翻译 我朋友求一个英文名:女的;名叫贺薏霏 求一个 好听一点的名字薏是 薏仁的薏 含有 霏 的英文名 帮我起个英文名字,我叫王梓霏 terrible 的反义词是社什么? 出淤泥而不染濯清涟而不妖表面是赞扬什么?其实是赞扬什么?从这句诗中你想到了什么 出淤泥而不染 濯清涟而不妖是称赞什么的? 水皆缥碧, 水皆缥碧,千丈见底这句话使用了什么修辞手法?其作用是什么 outside的反义词 "垃圾"的英语?(pick up the ...) 帅哥和靓仔的区别是什么? 水皆缥碧,千丈见底的意思 水皆缥碧的缥碧是甚么意思 流光溢彩.如醉如痴.囫囵吞枣.不求甚解.牵肠挂肚.不言而喻别出心裁.心安理得.呕心沥血词语的字面意思和比喻义或引申义 用流光异彩,呐喊助威,津津有味,如醉如痴,浮想联翩,不求甚解,囫囵吞枣,如饥似渴,不言而喻,黯然神伤,念念不忘,别出心裁与众不同,大显身手,呕心沥血千篇一律.中任意写三个写一个小段通顺 一题英语定语从句This is the house_______I lived two years ago.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.when 英语定语从句一题 We used to live in a house ____ there were always a lot of people.填上以后麻烦详细的说下为什么 老鼠怕大象不?拜托各位大神