来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:23:42
scuba diving hand-gliding cliff walks scuba diving sky how are you going with?这句话的回答急 together的翻译 英语作文should middle school students have birthdaieparty? go scuba Topic:Some people think it is more important forgovernment to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to pervertillness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill.Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?Along wi 帮忙批改雅思作文Topic:research suggests that majority of criminals who were sent to prison would commit crimes when set free.What do you think of this case?What to be done to solve this problem? In many parts of the world,crime problems are i We can get over it together.这个句子对吗?或者说可以把它变得更好吗? 根据要求完成句子.We have lunch at twelve.(根据now改写句子) We___ ___lunch now. 我想取个英文名,中文“李馨”,麻烦按照中文发音取,主要取与xin差不多的,有点急谢谢! what will we have for lunch的同义句谢 Whose book is that?Whose is that book 这俩 Whose book is that?Whose is that book 这俩 This is Lily is sister.H( )ruler is blue. 欧洲好听的地名,要英文 Z开头 while 和but不同有什么区别 感觉英语烂的可以!我该怎么办?希望有实战经验的人说说!哎,我是男生,我想考好大学的! 为什么我感觉英语越来越差?以前靠语感可以考的很好,但我不会学语法, 衣服鞋帽的英文单词!还有音标!一定要写音标啊! 国外好听的英文地名 (最好是H开头的) 明天考英语和化学物理.求教.骗子滚.重谢 明天考英语化学,今晚上看些什么 我叫陈雨佳,各位帮我起一个英文名,好听,好看,最好还和我名字是谐音! 请把淋浴房,出水慢,中文翻译成英语.谢谢您!中译英1.主卧淋浴房排水不好2.洗衣机出水不好3.洗衣机出水慢 2010年6月考的英语四级几分过呀,过的分数线每年都一样吗,还是有升降的哈 帮忙推荐一些好听的英文歌曲吧 要考4级,想多听听英文歌.能 多推荐,请多推荐,会加给分的. You very strong翻译 Have you.I am satisfied very much翻译成中文是什么 salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals.翻译 L开头的男英文名,我名字叫翟延龙5个字母内,最好谐音 我叫刘志斌.帮我取个英文名男性 我想取个英文名,我是个男生,英文名要Z字开头,有“志文”的谐音,