
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:37:17
天空有一颗星叫北落师门,那么与它对应的另一颗星星的名字是什么?也是四个字的一颗星星可能我问题有点记不清了,也可能记错了吧。 请大家介绍一下北落师门这颗星星… 英译汉:the above value is an average typical values may vary within moderate range 其乐什么成语 "surprise"这个英语单词中文怎么意思啊? if M is above N and O,and N is above O and below P,which one of the followinA .M is not above.B.O is above N.C.P is above O.D.O is above P. The containers are stowed both above and below中文意思 hope的中文意思 if m is above n and o,n is above o and below p,m is below p,then the right order of the from above to below is 翻译 Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below 谁知道有什么诗词是关于洞房红烛与红喜服之类的吗,其中之一也可!就是描写洞房里红色的东西,比如锦被、喜服、红烛!场景是两个人被红色的叶子完全覆盖~感觉就像洞房~喜服需要的是对喜 A full moon and the whole family(这篇文章的翻译)! 英语翻译BFCA里有个奖项“the best family film"(live film) 前一个可以译为最佳家庭片么?live film应该译成纪录片或是实景拍摄片么?不好意思,我写错了。后一个是live action! 英语翻译THIS September 12 is the Mid-Autumn Festival.It’s a traditional (传统的) Chinese holiday.It is on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历).During the Mid-Autumn Festival,the moon is round.The round moon 八年级课文《吆喝》,题目中的吆喝的双重含义是什么?RT Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as many as spaghetti as they could中那一句有错 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛.的含义是啥?快说啊 don't forget(填have什么形式?) hom come如题 they can see a lot and k——many things about other people横线上填 they can see many animals t___.填什么 As our lives get busier it becomes more importantAs our lives get buser it becomes more important to spend the little free time we have with people we really want to see,people we love and who really love us. 怎么翻译啊? robots will be part of our lives.为什么不是robots will be a part of our lives呢?Part在这里不可数吗》》》? Computers are more and more part of our world为啥不是a more and more part of?题干少写了个a原句答案是computers are more and more a part of our world "What is a typical entry-level position?" what does this sentence mean?thank you Advertising became more and more important in our lives这个句子需要逗号么?这个句子是同学写的.Advertising became more and more important in our lives not only in our country but all over the world. In a typical day,what do you do in the classroom?这个问题怎么回答.in a typical which shirt will you c__ to buy,the pink one or the black one?快, 己亥杂诗至今流传的名句是什么是九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀.我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才.这首诗至今流传的名句是哪两句? 关于90后的英文演讲稿谁有关于90后青春与梦想的英文演讲稿呢! 英语问题We _(spend)part of our sparetime watching television my brother wants to buy the T-shirt,but my mother (agree) 要修一个育苗棚,棚宽a等于2m,棚顶高b等于1.5M,长d等于16m,求覆盖在顶上的塑料膜ABCD需多少平方米?